Historical Groups

1 HG Historical Groups


This page is to honor those dedicated individuals who have shown a real concern & care for tombstone & cemetery preservation. These wonderful individuals have dedicated their time & monies over the years to ensure the preservation of our history. This type of work can be a very time consuming task of research & then physically searching. These people are the Sherlock Holms & Indiana Joneses of our preservation efforts & we wish to say THANK YOU.

Our Honor Roll Of Historical Groups


“The” organization for historical preservation.



“The” network of trades people.


Ancestry.com is the world’s largest online resource for family history, with approximately 2 million paying subscribers around the world as of October 2012. Since starting as a publishing company in 1983, we have been a leader in the family history market for nearly 30 years and have helped pioneer the market for online family history research. We believe that most people have a fundamental desire to understand who they are and from where they came, and that anyone interested in discovering, preserving and sharing their family history is a potential user of Ancestry.com. We strive to make our service valuable to individuals ranging from the most committed family historians to those taking their first steps towards satisfying their curiosity about their family stories.

MyHeritage.com was founded by a team of people with a passion for genealogy and a strong grasp of Internet technology. Our vision has been to make it easier for people around the world to use the power of the Internet to discover their heritage and strengthen their bonds with family and friends.http://www.myheritage.com