Continuing Education



We feel continuing education is very important in a field that is still young but, growing rapidly. We have chosen to learn from the nation’s top conservators & attend the very classes they attend & teach

We started some years ago by attending a cemetery preservation conference taught by members of the National Park Systems and other members of the preservation community.

In the years that have followed we have met with countless conservators from across the nation to compare methodologies and products. This has been a long and necessary journey that separated the wheat from the chaff in this field. It has allowed us to see the good from the bad or destructive methods as well as the good conservators from those doing damage. The many we have met on this journey revealed a larger world of preservation than we imagined. Sadly we found large numbers of people, organizations, and business’s doing a plethora of destructive things to cemeteries and grave markers. Gravestone Guardians of Ohio has always had a strong education element for “do no harm” preservation from its beginning. But we found that was not nearly enough to attempt curbing the many misinformed practices going on. So GGO and several other likeminded in the field used the network they already had with other good conservators to form The Cemetery Conservators for United Standards. Now there is an entire organization dedicated to do no harm cemetery preservation that can work together, to not only educate others, but to also educate themselves through heavily vetted research.


The CCUS is becoming a warehouse for the latest preservation knowledge and a constant education for GGO. We also have continued our close relationship with the National Park Systems to help us stay on the cutting edge of technology and methodology.